Still I Fear

Still I fear love will fade away,
And still I fear the past in today.
And still I fear my heart will crack,
turn into dust and never look back.

Still I fear you might disappear,
Into that water that runs so clear.
Through your soul & veins,
Through your roads & lanes,
Within the driving mind that I adore,
In the love that leaves me wanting more.

But when you smile at me it all melts away,
like the setting sun in the dusk of day.

And when we kiss the stars align,
the constellations into a heavenly sign.

And when I tightly hold your hand,
The warmth spreads out across the sand,
That God used and molded into me,
That love abused and froze in the sea.

To scream and run and dance and sing,
To be with you means everything.
Don't leave me in your complacent crust,
Don't just stand there and let me rust.

Pull me in and never let go.
Embrace the fire that burns so slow.
And when you come home, come home to my heart.
Please open the door, please take it apart.
Please greet me with a warm embrace,
Its you I want, its only your face.
Its only your smile, its only your hands,
Its only your heart that feels like a man's.
Its only your kiss that I wish would stay,
Its only your love that takes my fear away.


  1. You are so wise beyond your years...these words resonate how love can overcome fear...lovely words. :-)

  2. Love you mom. :) Hope you have a wonderful fantastic day!

  3. oh-so-romantic...........
    Beautiful words woven in beautiful poem..


  4. U r invited to Attend Thursday Poets Rally week 28. Please sign in below…

    Poetry awards are to be given upon meeting the requirements…
    As first time participant, u r to visit and comment for 18 poets from participants list. Have fun!

  5. Hello, friend, how are you?

    I invite you to our Monday Poetry Potluck Party,
    We have other features such as poem of the week, poetry blog of the week, and poet of the week, plus Sunday poetry news dispatch, if you attend our Monday Party, there is a chance that you poetry or you as a promising poet are represented by one of our officials, and your talent will be highlighted or exposed to wider audience,

    No specific rules, simply linking in 1 to 3 poems, it could be an old poem, let us read and comment for you. Feel free tasting other poetry treats, all enjoyable experience…

    Click on the link, you will see a blue button, click on the blue button, you will see three boxes, your specific poem link to be placed in first, then your name or blog name, then your email connected to your blog….

    Happy Monday!
    Let the fun begin!


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