A True Writer

When I took creative writing this semester, my professor asked the class, "Why would we write if the process to getting published is so full of rejection and so difficult?"

The class had little to say.

She then said, "We do it because we can't live without writing."

I know that I'm a writer because I really can't live without writing. The feeling of having that good pen on some paper and just pouring out thoughts and feelings is such a cathartic relief. There are journals half full a quarter full laying around my apartment and though I'm not sure of much in my life, I know that I'm a writer.

I know I can't live without writing. :D


  1. Yes, I knew you were a writer,before you knew you were a writer when you were merely 10 years old. Even then your talent shined! :-)

  2. This is true for me, as well. When you can remember getting out of bed at night because you couldn't sleep before writing down the poetry inside your head, you MUST be a writer! That's how I know I am one. : )

  3. glad to know you as a writer, keep it up.

    welcome joining us today.

  4. Good thing to be, a writer. I think I'm one too, although this damned compulsive blogging is grabbing too much of my writing time.

    Happy New Year!

  5. I so agree! Well said~
    Happy New Year!


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